Va stept la expozitia noastra unde veti gasi obiecte de arta, calendare, martisoare si tablouri .
Artistii care participa la aceasta editie sunt: Anda Ansheen, Flaviana Enache, Ioana Todor, Agata Secelean, Estera Osorhan si Alexandra Zgondea.
Expozitia va fi deschisa la Galeria Europe in Brasov in perioada 20- 28 februarie 2017. Programul galeriei :
Luni 15-19
Miercuri 14- 19
Joi 15-19
Vineri 13-19
Sambata 13-19
Duminica 13 -19
Va asteptam cu mare drag !
Our exhibition will be opened to Europe Gallery in Brasov during February ( 20-28 ) 2017.
You can find here paintings, art objects and calendars.
I hope you will enjoy it !
Our exhibition will be opened to Europe Gallery in Brasov during February ( 20-28 ) 2017.
You can find here paintings, art objects and calendars.
I hope you will enjoy it !
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